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1P-LSD is 1-propionyl-lysergic acid diethylamide is a psychedelic drug of the lysergamide class that is a derivative and functional analogue of LSD and a homologue of ALD-52. It has been sold online as a designer drug since 2015. It modifies the LSD molecule by adding a propionyl group to the nitrogen molecule of LSD’s indole.

Buy 1p-LSD blotters online

1p-LSD blotters online, short for 1 Propionyl Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is the hallucinogenic, psychedelic drug that belongs to the family of lysergamide. This substance has almost no history of human use. This substance has never been reported in any formal scientific literature making it unknown to the public and the academics. 1p-LSD blotters for sale online

Surprisingly it is structurally similar to LSD and ALD 52 which suggest it has an identical effect profile as well. With the lack of research related to this substance, every argument related to the pharmacology of this drug is completely according to its structure and the subjective effect that are not different from other such lysergamides. It was marketed as a research chemical that made it easy to sell it legal, although it was sold for human consumption. Buy 1p-LSD blotters online.

What it looks like ?

In its pure state, it is a white odourless crystalline substance. However, LSD is so potent that an effective dose of pure drug is so small it is virtually invisible. As a result, users dilute it with other materials. Drops of LSD solution dried onto gelatin sheets is the most common form of lsd. Pieces of blotting paper or sugar cubes release the drug when users swallow it. Users also sell LSD as a liquid, in a tablet or in capsules. It is similar to other products like: 1cp lsd1b lsd, ald 52


Users usually swallow, dissolve under the tongue, sniff, inject or smoke 1p-lsd.

Effects of 1P-LSD

There is no safe level of drug use. Use of any drug always carries some risk. It’s important to be careful when taking any type of drug.

1P-LSD can affect everyone differently, based on:

  • size, weight and health
  • whether the person takes it often
  • whether the user takes other drugs alongside
  • the amount taken
  • the strength of the drug (varies from batch to batch).


According to its molecular structure, it belongs to lysergamide family. It is quite analogous to LSD, and it has been named for its propionyl group that is bound to the nitrogen of polycyclic indole group. 1p-LSD contains a polycyclic group that features the bicyclic Hexahydro indole bound to its quinolone bicyclic group. At carbon 9 of quinoline, the n-diethyl carboxamide becomes bound.
Right now it is in the grey market area that makes its purchase a bit unsafe. 1P-Lsd 150 mcg – Buy 1P-Lsd Canada


It acts as the partial agonist of 5 HT2A. Psychedelic effects come from efficacy at 5HT2A receptors. The role of such interactions and how these result in psychedelic experience always remain elusive.

Moreover, it has been theorized that 1p-LSD is a prodrug to LS. It shows only 35% potency of LDS in mice. This means that 1p-LSD doesn’t only acts as a prodrug for LSD but also, it directly acts as serotonin receptor against its very own rights. Cheap 1P-Lsd for sale – 1P-Lsd blotter –

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